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Congressi per:
  • Ematologia
15 Nov 2024

International Meeting on Long Covid in Children

Crediti 8
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Rome, Italy
Medico Chirurgo (Ematologia, Geriatria, Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio, Malattie infettive, Medicina e chirurgia di accettazione e di urgenza, Medicina interna, Microbiologia e virologia, Neonatologia, Pediatria, Radiodiagnostica), Medical students/trainees
There is growing understanding that a proportion of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection can develop long covid, a complex chronic conditions that impairs daily routine of affected patients. Recent studies have found major advances in the understanding of this condition, while less evidence is available for children. During this meeting, we will discuss with major international experts in the field to better understand current knowledge of pediatric long covid and to guide future collaborative research projects and priorities in the field.

23 Jan 2024 - 24 Jan 2024

Pregnancy and Renal Transplantation

Crediti 10
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Roma
Medico Chirurgo (Chirurgia generale, Ematologia, Ginecologia e ostetricia, Malattie infettive, Malattie metaboliche e diabetologia, Medicina interna, Nefrologia, Neonatologia, Patologia clinica (laboratorio di analisi chimico-cliniche e microbiologia), Psicoterapia, Urologia), Farmacista (Farmacia ospedaliera), Psicologo (Psicoterapia, Psicologia), Biologo, Infermiere, Infermiere pediatrico, Ostetrica/o, Specializzando

This 2 days meeting is mainly aimed at an international audience of tx nephrologist, tx surgeons, gynecologists, infectious disease doctors, neonatologists , tx psicologists, living kidney donors and recipients of a kidney transplant. It will help transplant professionals in medical optimization and counseling of renal transplant recipients of childbearing age.

To register, you need to enter your personal information and then then fill in the provider's form that will open on the screen