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GESEA CERTIFICATION SESSION 1° Level – Bachelor in Endoscopy

  • 12 Mar 2019
CME credits 0
Categories CME MD (Gynaecology and obstetrics, Internal Medicine)
Organising SecretariatMOLIPHARMA srl
Completing the GESEA Programme allows you to acquire your Diploma of Minimal Invasive Gynaecological Surgeon (MIGS). The first step is to acquire your GESEA Bachelor Certificate proving your general endoscopic knowledge and acquirement of basic endoscopic psychomotor skills. The second step is to successfully complete the GESEA MIGS exam and be awarded the GESEA MIGS Certificate. This certificate indicated that you have mastered the knowledge and more advanced psychomotor skills as needed to start performing basic endoscopic procedures. Finally, when you have the necessary surgical experience and related competence, you may apply for the GESEA MIGS Diploma as issued by the ESGE.