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Ob&Gyn Journal Club – Marzo 2024




Ultime novità in Patologia Ostetrica

Anticoagulation use is associated with lower fetal fraction and more indeterminate results

COMMENTO Dottoressa Carmen De Luca


Fetal insular measurements in pregnancy with estimated fetal weight <10th centile and childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes

COMMENTO Professor Daniele De Luca


Practice variation in timing of antenatal corticosteroid administration in early-onset fetal growth restriction: A secondary analysis of the Dutch STRIDER study

COMMENTO Professoressa Lorenza Driul | Dottoressa Ginevra Battello


Ultime novità in Ginecologia Disfunzionale

International Evidence-based Guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome: ESHRE 2023

COMMENTO Dottoressa Daniela Romualdi


Ultime novità in Senologia

Impact of non-BRCA genes in the indication of risk-reducing surgery in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC)

COMMENTO Dottoressa Alessandra Fabi


Ultime novità in Uroginecologia

Sacrocolpopexy after sub-total hysterectomy vs. sacral hysteropexy for advanced urogenital prolapse: a propensity-mached study

COMMENTO Professoressa Rosa Maria La Terza



Le attività didattiche dell’anno

Prossimi appuntamenti formativi e FAD asincrone attive

marzo>luglio 2024




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