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Ob&Gyn Journal Club - Giugno 2020



Ultime novità in Patologia Ostetrica

Uterine Exteriorization Compared With In Situ Repair of Hysterotomy After Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Trial 

COMMENTO Dottor Sascia Moresi

Single umbilical artery and risk of congenital malformation: population-based study in Norway

COMMENTO Professor Federico Prefumo

Ultime novità in Ginecologia Benigna

The impact of uterine artery embolization on ovarian reserve: A systematic review and meta-analysis

COMMENTO Dottor Saverio Tateo

Ultime novità in Ginecologia Disfunzionale

The role of microRNAs in ovarian function and the transition toward novel therapeutic trategies in fertility preservation: from bench to future clinical application

COMMENTO Dottor Filippo Ubaldi | Dottor Danilo Cimadomo | Dottoressa Laura Rienzi

Ultime novità in Senologia

Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial of Low-Dose Tamoxifen to Prevent Local and Contralateral Recurrence in Breast Intraepithelial Neoplasia

COMMENTO Dottor Armando Orlandi

Ultime novità in Ginecologia Oncologica

Fertility-sparing surgery and reproductive-outcomes in patients with borderline ovarian tumors

COMMENTO Dottoressa Floriana Mascilini


Responsabilità medica nel paziente con bassa percentuale di sopravvivenza


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